Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A New Day, A New Season

A New Day, A New Season

Well the day has finally come. I have decided (with the promoting of the Lord) to create a Blog. I never thought I would do this, thought it was more of a personal thing to get things off your mind, but then I said to myself, Deb you know you go searching around other blogs and sites for information or ideas to get inspired by. I thought maybe I could do the same for someone else. I have been learning and gaining acknowledge about the different products out there in the Art World and trying them out in my own way. People have told me for years that I was creative and could make something our of nothing. So I thought if God gave me this talent, I will use it to encourage others to try something new and maybe a little outside the box.
I will be posting my Art as well as other Artist that will allow me to share here. At some point I will have challenges, contests, swaps, but for now, I just need to push the button and publish this. Scary as it is putting yourself out there, sometimes you just have to do what you feel you are suppose to do. That being said, Let's get on with the  show.
Please let me know what you think and if there is something that you would like to see done on this blog.

Blessings on our Day :)

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